About Karaoke Idol USA
Ann Lanphear Karaoke
Ann Lanphear Karaoke has the
largest karaoke company in New England. With the largest song
selection in the country. Just about 30,000 songs. And I don't mean
duplicates to make our books look bigger. Some of the same songs but
different artists. We have a huge international selection. With
Spanish, Latin, German, Irish and many others. There are lots of
Broadway tunes and songs from movies. There is Opera, Gospel,
Children's, and Christmas. If your just out to have fun and not a
great singer check out our GRABBAG KARAOKE. Email us and find out
about it. My main objective is for people to have fun, for it to be
fair, and to give them the selection they
can't get anywhere else. We are always trying new things and
changing things a little. But never the rotation. That will always be
in place. Every singer is equal.
Looking For The
Hottest New Place For Karaoke?
Fugi At WOC
1420 Hancock St.
Sunday Nights At 9

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Copyright 2005
Ann Lanphear Karaoke
All Rights Reserved
KaraokeIdolUSA.com may make references to American Idol TM
but is not affiliated with American Idol TM or FOX television in any
capacity. References to American Idol are
provided solely as an informative
and entertaining resource. No copyright infringement is intended nor
implied. |